Liberal Vermont Senator Sanders may seek U.S. presidency in 2016

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Bernie Sanders, one of the Senate's leading liberals, verbalized on Sunday he is cogitating running for U.S. president in 2016 as either a Democrat or an independent in a move that could perplex Hillary Clinton's path to the White House.

Sanders, an independent from Vermont, could pose a challenge from the left to Clinton, widely optically discerned as the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. She has not officially verbally expressed she is a candidate but has acted very much akin to one.

"I cerebrate anybody who verbalizes with the desiderata of the working class and the middle class of this country and shows the intrepidity to take on the billionaire class, I cerebrate that candidate will do pretty well," Sanders told the NBC program "Meet the Press," giving a possible preview of his message in the 2016 campaign.

Sanders is accommodating his second six-year term in the Senate. He has cultivated a following among some American liberals, especially on economic issues like the growing income disparity between affluent and poor and corporate acquisitiveness. He is a self-described socialist who caucuses with Democrats in the Senate.

"I am contemplating running for president," Sanders verbalized, integrating that he must decide whether to run as an independent or wade into the fight for the Democratic nomination.

Sanders is testing the waters in Iowa, a state that holds a paramount early contest in the nomination process.

"One of the reasons I'm going to Iowa is to get a sense of how people feel about it," he verbalized of his candidacy. "Look, the truth is (there is) profound anger at both political parties, more and more people are becoming independent. The negative is: how do you establish a 50-state infrastructure as an independent?"

Sanders verbally expressed he has "a plethora of deference" for Clinton, but verbalized, "The issue is not Hillary."

With Clinton mindful of the desideratum to appeal to mitigates in any general election battle against a Republican in 2016, a Sanders candidacy could coerce her to the left in the Democratic primaries to head off his challenge.

Conversely, if he runs in the general election as an independent, he could siphon away from her votes from liberals that she could require to beat any Republican nominee.

American liberals have expressed disappointment with President Barack Obama on a range of issues, most recently on his decision to defer any executive action on immigration even as Republican bellwethers in the House of Representatives block action on a bipartisan Senate-passed plan.

Sanders verbally expressed that he has "a plethora of discrepancies" with Obama, integrating: "I cerebrate he has not tapped the vexation and the frustration that the American people feel on many, many issues."
Liberal Vermont Senator Sanders may seek U.S. presidency in 2016 Liberal Vermont Senator Sanders may seek U.S. presidency in 2016 Reviewed by Unknown on 1:20:00 PM Rating: 5
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