Terrorism Will Soon End, Jonathan Says

President Goodluck Jonathan has promised that  the security situation in the country would improve by next month

As indicated by reports, President Goodluck Jonathan has guaranteed that the shakiness brought on by Boko Haram in the nation would soon be a relic of days gone by.

The president expressed that the circumstances would improve inside the following one month, Vanguard Newspaper reports.

Nigeria's number one man purportedly said this while talking yesterday, September 18, 2014, at the 66th National Executive Committee, NEC of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which as of late supported him as its sole hopeful for the 2015 presidential decisions.

He included further:

"Nigeria is having an uncalled for offer. Dread is a worldwide issue, and Nigeria circumstance is going past fear. At the point when terrorists contemplate holding ground, endeavoring to introduce initiative, it is no more terrorism, it is very nearly like going into the line of progression. In the middle of now and October, things will change."

The president additionally amplified his sensitivity to the individuals who lost their lives in the late Kano shelling which happened on September 17, 2014 at the Federal College of Education in the state and apparently asserted 15 lives.
Terrorism Will Soon End, Jonathan Says Terrorism Will Soon End, Jonathan Says Reviewed by Unknown on 5:48:00 PM Rating: 5
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